Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunburnt?!? Quick Methods to Healing!

You just spent the entire day on the beach exposed to sunrays. You applied sunscreen but still got burnt. What next? I have to admit that I have had countless sunburns. I do use a SPF of 30-55. The key to not getting burnt is reapplying. Also it is crucial to apply it everywhere. Most people forget to apply sunscreen to their hands and feet. It is important to know that your hands and feet age the fastest and sun damage can give them an older look. When I do get sunburn especially on my face, I usually take an antihistamine (usually Benadryl) right away. There have been times when my eyes and legs became swollen from the exposure. I have really sensitive skin and if you do to, you should consider taking one. Lotions and aloes should be applied to the skin multiply times during the day. I can’t stress the application of lotions and aloes enough because they soothe and hydrate the skin. I think it is important that the lotions and aloe are basic brands that don’t have lots of chemicals or fragrances that will irritate the burnt skin. One of my favorite after sun gels that I use is the Mary Kay after sun replenishing gel. I discovered this product while I was on vacation with my boyfriend and his family. It really soothes and hydrates the burn. One bottle usually last me one summer and this product isn’t that expensive ($12). The only downfall to this product is that you have to find a Mary Kay consultant to purchase the product. This product is not convenient enough to just drive to the store when you’re burnt. You have to be prepared to buy it in advance. This has been the only product I have found that is affordable and is able to replenish my sun burnt. It doesn’t make my skin peel at all. If you haven’t tried this product, it is a must! Another important method to healing is drinking water. It will hydrate your skin and body. Let me know what you do to cure sunburn. Post your comments below!

*The pictures are from here and here.

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